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A scientific, philosophy and holistic approach

        to improve the quality of your relationships with your Self and with others.

Welcome to #TEGAR's

Faculty of (PR) Personal Relations

Choose the course you'd like to sign up below in your city:


Selamat datang ke Bimbel Berelasi oleh #TEGAR.

Silahkan memilih kelas yang ingin diikuti

Before You Get Married Program

This is our Pre-Marital program, the Romantic Partner Relationship Check-up. Are you ready?

BimbelBerelasi offers two intensive (12-hour and 19-hour) program packages that you and your partner can thoroughly decide which to commit to.

Introductory Package (approx. 12 hours):
1. Individual Assessment (<2 hours, individual work)
2. 1x One-on-one session (1.5 hours / person) discovering your hidden and 
unsurfaced expectations about yourself and towards your future partner
3. Individual Assesment (<2 hours, individual work)
4. Coming together part 1 - managing day to day lives and hidden 
expectation (1.5 hours)
5. Coming together part 2 - managing relationships in the long run (1.5 

Comprehensive Package (approx. 19 hours):

+ Includes a Basic Treasure Map of You, Couples Edition Compatibility worth Rp 3,798,000 per couple to have a comprehensive couple reading and see hidden desires, expectations, and discovering key personality traits

1. Individual Assessment (<2 hours, individual work)

2. 2x One-on-one (1.5 hours / person) discovering your hidden and unsurfaced expectations about yourself and towards your future partner, live assessment and attachment style

3. Individual Assessment (<2 hours, individual work)

4. Coming together part 1 - managing day to day lives and expressing your hidden expectations (1.5 hours)

5 .Coming together part 2 - managing attachment styles and uncovering relational traumas and hurts (1.5 hours)

6. Coming together part 2 - managing relationships on weekdays (1.5 hours)

7. Coming together part 3 - managing relationships on weekends (1.5 hours)

8. Treasure Map, Couples Edition Discovery Reading, Explanation and Workshop (<4 hours)

Our Partners

Bimbel Berelasi adalah Program Pengembangan Relasi Berbasis Sains dan Filsafat untuk menciptakan masyarakat yang lebih sehat, kuat, dan kreatif.

Seluruh pemasukan dari program kami akan ditujukan untuk Yayasan #TEGAR, Helpline Service "WIC" Perempuan dan Pria Tagar Tegar.

Terima kasih untuk dukungan yang telah diberikan oleh Mitra kami.

Tentang / About

The Faculty of (PR) Personal Relations is a science and philosophy-based relationship development program to create a happier, robust and creative society through self-development workshops and romantic couple classes.

All proceeds of our programs will go to our #TEGAR Foundation, Perempuan dan Pria Tagar Tegar Helpline Service.

We'd like to thank all our Partners for their support.

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