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HD Online Player (lincoln Br Rip 1080p Movie Torrents) [Latest]




Free shipping and handling. Lincoln Blu-ray Review: The man known as Lincoln has become a sort of American icon since the first time we saw him brought to life in the feature film by director Steven Spielberg, called 2004's Lincoln, as the 6th American President Abraham Lincoln. The first time I watched the film in theaters in 2005, I was blown away by this performance, but it was little more than the best of the many performances by Daniel Day Lewis in the film that year. My love for Spielberg continued as I watched almost all of his films after that, and I became a fan of his work and how he treats each of his films, telling a story with intention and giving us a history lesson. It wasn't until I began watching Lincoln on home video in 2007 that I saw the true power of this film. I had the DVD available to me on a release that contained several extras on the film, including a two-hour video documentary by Martin Scorsese, a two-hour documentary by director Taylor Hackford, and an audio commentary by Spielberg and Hackford, who share their memories of the making of the film. I was blown away by this performance. The two-hour documentary was a compilation of footage from the film. It was definitely more informative than anything else in the package, but it left me wanting more. What I got was the extra commentary, which is the best part of the DVD set. Spielberg and Hackford both talk for a while about the making of the film. Hackford explains some of the reasons why Spielberg made this film and why he thought it was important to tell Lincoln's story. When we are done listening to Hackford talk about the film, Spielberg starts talking about the character of Lincoln and how he believes that the first time he saw the president as a young boy, he had a sense of how Lincoln would turn out to be when he grew up. He says that he thought that Lincoln was "a man of great stature and integrity, a man whose humility and wisdom were not only extraordinary, but who had a special awareness that he was capable of great wrong. "I always thought that a great deal of the story of Lincoln's life came from the fact that he, as a young man, knew that he was capable of doing great evil," he says. Spielberg goes on to explain that he thought that Lincoln also felt that he was "a man of great nobility and



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HD Online Player (lincoln Br Rip 1080p Movie Torrents) [Latest]

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